
Initial Session - $300

50 minute session. In person or online.

Out-of-pocket $158.15 with mental health care plan. See below for further details regarding rebates.

Subsequent Sessions - $280

50 minute session. In person or online.

Out-of-pocket $138.15 with a mental health care plan. See below for further details regarding rebates.

Psychological Letters

Psychological letters charged at an hourly rate of $300 (+ GST). Neuropsychological assessment fees vary and a quote will be provided for your individual needs.

Rebates & Funding

  • You may be eligible for a Medicare Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) following an assessment with your GP. This will subsidise the cost of up to 10 psychological therapy sessions per calendar year.

    This will enable you to receive a Medicare rebate of up to $141.85 per session.

  • If you have private health cover you may be eligible to claim rebates on psychological services (speak directly with your fund to determine your level of cover).

    You cannot use your private health insurance if you are already accessing Medicare rebates for your session.

  • We accept clients funded under Work Cover QLD with a valid referral from your GP or psychiatrist. Services are charged at the current Work Cover rate.

We require one business day notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your session due to the high demand of sessions and to allow us enough time to offer your slot to another client. This means if your session is on a Monday you would need to cancel by Friday the week prior. Telehealth sessions are always available as an alternative option if you are unable to attend in person.

Cancellations within 24 hours of your session, or failing to attend a session, will attract the full session fee.

Cancellation Policy